
1964 - Jawaharlal Nehru - Proof and UNC Set

The 1964 Jawaharlal Nehru the following sets were released;

VIP Set 1: Rs 1 and 50 Paise in Hindi
VIP Set 2: Rs 1 and 50 Paise in English
Proof Set: Rs 1 and 50 Paise Coin
Proof Set: Rs 1 Coin
Proof Set: 50 Paise Coin [English]
UNC Set: Rs 1 and 50 Paise Coin in Cardboard Pack

The details of the coins are as below;

Jawaharlal Nehru was the first and to date the longest serving Prime Minister of independent India, from the independence in 1947 to his death in 1964.

The first commemorative coin of independent India began by release of coin on Nehru's death in 1964. Jawaharlal Nehru also enjoys the distinction of being the only person to have coins released twice. The second time was in 1989 to mark the birth centenary.

Jawaharlal Nehru was a leading figure in the Indian independence struggle. He was a charismatic and radical leader who advocated complete independence from foreign rule and self governance. He is also known as "the architect of modern India" and "pandit Nehru" where pandit is an honorific for a scholarly and learned person or a teacher. His birthday; 14th November, is celebrated as children's day in India. His book “The discovery of India” gives a good history of evolution of India from ancient times to modern age.

In times when the world was polarized into NATO and WARSAW members backed by US and USSR, He started the Non Aligned movement in 1955 where one was not aligned to any super power; created the atmosphere of an neutrality giving lot of member countries to join a neutral world. Although there are 118 members in the NAM, with the collapse of USSR and the new world economic dependency; NAM is no longer relevant or important as it used to be earlier.

Jawarhal Nehru’s health started declining very quickly around 1960 and he died of a heart attack in 1964.

Proof Set: Both the Coins of Rs 1 and 50 Paise

Proof Set: Single coin of Rs 50 Paise

Proof Set: Single Coin of Rs 1


  1. May I know which is the first proof set to have a ‘B’ mint mark on it?

    1. 1969 Gandhi.
