
5 Rupees - Circulation Commemorative - Part 2 - CuproNickel

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This is part of Commemorative Coins of Denomination 6;
Lion Varieties in Rs 5
Part 1 - Cupro Nickel Big Coins
Part 2 - Cupro Nickel Small Coins
Part 3 - Cupro Nickel and Stainless Steel
Part 4 - Nickel Brass
Part 5 - Nickel Brass with Rupee Symbol
Part 6 - Nickel Brass with Rupee Symbol Continued

After the initial sporadic issue of Rs 5 in 1984 and 1989 for circulation; the Rs 5 commemorative denomination became a regular feature from 1994. The size was reduced to 28 mm ie almost the size of 50 paise coin, the weight was more at 9 grams. The thickness was much more than the 50 Paise coin.

1994 ILO World of Work

The 5 Rupees, 1994 ILO World of Work, shows the ILO inside a circle of wreaths. The coin was issued to mark the 75 Years of International Labour Organisation. The mint details and Description are;

Mint: Mumbai, Hyderabad, Noida
ILO inside a circle of wreaths
Date 1919 – 1994 Below. Mint mark below “-“ of date.
Legend World of Work in English and “Shram Jagath” in Hindi

Die Varieties:
Mumbai – Both C & D Lions. Type C Scarce compared to D
Edge Varieties:
Mumbai & Hyderabad Mint has Reeded Edge

1995 50 years of United Nations Anniversary

The 5 Rupees, 1995 50 years of United Nations Anniversary, shows the Logo of United Nations with numeral 50. The UN was founded in 1945 after the World War II. The mint details and Description are;

Mint: Mumbai, Noida
Logo of United Nations with numeral 50
Date near center left above logo. Mint mark at 6’ O Clock below legend.

Legend 50th Anniversary of United Nation in English.

Die Varieties

Mumbai – Both Type C& D Lion

1995 Food and Agriculture Organization

The 5 Rupees, 1995 Food and Agriculture Organization, shows a Hand holding stalks of wheat with FAO written. FAO is a agency of United Nations. Apart from other things, it organizes World Food Day every year on 16th October with different themes. The mint details and Description are;

Mint: Mumbai, Hyderabad, Noida
Hand holding stalks of wheat with FAO
Date 1945 – 1995 Below. Mint mark below “-“ of date.
Legend Food and Agriculture Organization

Edge Variety:

Reeded Edge from Mumbai and Hyderabad Mint

1995 World Tamil Conference

The 5 Rupees, 1995 World Tamil Conference, shows the seated figure of Saint Thiruvallur. The conference is held with the aim of promoting the social growth of Tamil language. The 8th Conference was held in Thanjavur. The mint details and Description are;

Mint: Mumbai, Noida
Seated figure of St. Thiruvallur
Date Below. Mint mark on right side next to date.

Legend World Tamil Conference Saint Thiruvallur

Edge Variety
Mumbai Mint also has Reeded edge

1996 Mothers Health is Child’s Health

The 5 Rupees, 1996 Mothers Health is Child’s Health, Independent Indian commemorative coin along with mint details and Description

With a view to focus and reduce the infant mortality rate in the country, the Indian government made many different campaigns. Realizing that a pregnant woman's health and diet has direct bearing on the child's health, this coin was released on the World Population Day (11th July, 1996), to raise awareness among general public.

Mint: Mumbai, Hyderabad, Noida
The central design on the obverse of this coin shows a mother with her child inside a family planning triangle.
Date 1996 appears below the Hindi inscription at top. The Mint Mark below the date
Legend: The inscription MOTHER'S HEALTH IS CHILD'S HEALTH in English is shown on the bottom half and Swastha Ma Se Swastha Sisu in Hindi on the top half of the periphery.

Edge Variety:

Some collectors have reported Reeded edge from all the 3 mints, viz Mumbai, Hyderabad and Noida

1996 2nd International Crop Science Circle

The 5 Rupees, 1996 2nd International Crop Science Circle, shows Plants on Globe, spray below and braid above. The Crop Science Conference are held every 4 years where scientist from all over gather and focus on various topics. The 2nd Conference was planned in New Delhi and was cancelled last minute. The mint details and Description are;

Notes: A strange story of this coin. Initially minted in very small quantities, as per KM around 11,000 and distributed to participating/visiting delegates only.
In 2006 there was a private request to Kolkata mint to re-strike these coins. Apparently these second strike coins have the legend broken. In Hindi. IE the “Shirorekha” on “Phasal” is broken.
That’s just half the story. There are some reports that mention that the Conference was cancelled, however one can find a book on the proceeding of the conference.
Mint: Kolkata
Plants on Globe, spray below, braid above
Date Below.
Legend 2nd International Crop Science Circle

2001 Bhagavan Mahaveer

The 5 Rupees, 2001 Bhagavan Mahaveer, with Legend "Bhagwan Mahavir 2600th Janm Kalyanak" shows Jain symbol with 3 dots above, Swastik, Hand with wheel. The mint details and Description are;

Mint: Mumbai, Noida
Jain Symbol with 3 dots above, Swastik, Hand with Wheel
Date Below. Mint mark below date.
Legend Bhagwan Mahavir 2600th Janm Kalyanak. The work “Janm Kalyanak” means “Jayanti” or Anniversary

Edge Variety
Some collectors have also reported reeded edge from Mumbai Mint

2002 Dadabai Navaroji

The 5 Rupees, 2002 Dadabai Navaroji, often called as Grand Old Man of India was amongst other things an political leader and a key player during struggle of Independence. There was no occasion as such. It was more to recognise leaders that got missed out. The mint details and Description are;

Mint: Mumbai, Kolkata, Hyderabad
Bust of Dadabai Naoroji
Date Below. Mint mark below “-“ of date.

Legend Dadabai Naoroji

Die Varieties:
Kolkata Mint has Round 5 [Type D Die] without the flowery design on the edge.
Edge Variety:
The Kolkata Mint with Obverse of flowery design [Type E] also comes in reeded edge.

2004 K Kamaraj

The 5 Rupees, 2004 K Kamaraj, shows his bust. Kamaraj was politician from Tamil Nadu and was Chief minister. The year 2003 marks his Birth Centenary. The mint details and Description are;

Mint: Mumbai, Kolkata, Hyderabad
Bust of Kamaraj
Date 1903 – 1975. Mint mark below “-“ of date
Legend K Kamaraj

Edge Variety:
Reeded Edge from Hyderabad mint is also available.


  1. 2nd International crop science coin is on sale on URL attached:

    You had mentioned that this coin was given only to the participating delegates. However, this particular coin shows signs of being circulated a lot. Hence, request you to confirm whether this appears to be a genuine coin. Also, what might explain such a valuable coin having been circulated so much?

    Thanks in advance for your reply.

  2. The coin on the URL is original. Crop Science Coin was put into circulation in small [unknown] quantities and hence listed as circulation coin.

  3. Your Coins Information Is very nice Thak You God bless you Sir
