
2001 - Bhagwan Mahavir 2600th Janm Kalyanak - Proof Set

This post gives the details of the Proof Set. For UNC Set refer to the previous Post.

The Second series issued in the 2001 was on the Occasion of 2600th Janm Kalyanak of Bhagwan Mahavir. There were proof set and UNC Set received.
The details are;

Mahāvīra  is the name most commonly used to refer to the Indian sage Vardhamāna (599–527 BCE) who established what are today considered to be the central tenets of Jainism. According to Jain tradition, he was the 24th and the last Tirthankara. In Tamil, he is referred to as Aruka or Arukadevan. He is also known in texts as Vira or Viraprabhu, Sanmati, Ativira,and Gnatputra. In the Buddhist Pali Canon, he is referred to as Nigantha Nātaputta.
Mahavira was born to King Siddartha and Queen Trishala on the 13th day under the rising moon of Chaitra (April 12) in Kundalagrama (District Vaishali, Bihar) situated close to 'Besadha Patti', 27 miles from Patna. While still in his mother's womb it is believed he brought wealth and prosperity to the entire kingdom, which is why he was also known as Vardhaman. An increase of all good things, like the abundant bloom of beautiful flowers, was noticed in the kingdom after his conception. Queen Trishala had a number of auspicious dreams before giving birth to Vardhaman, signs foretelling the advent of a great soul.
Jain tradition states that after his birth, the Hindu King of the gods, Indra, bathed him in celestial milk with rituals befitting a future Tirthankar and he was returned to his mother, Trishala.
Even at that tender age he exhibited a virtuous nature & started engaging in meditation and immersed himself in self-contemplation. He was interested in the core beliefs of Jainism and began to distance himself from worldly matters.
At the age of thirty Mahavira renounced his kingdom and family, gave up his worldly possessions, and spent twelve years as an ascetic. During these twelve years he spent most of his time meditating. He gave utmost regard to other living beings, including humans, animals and plants, and avoided harming them. He had given up all worldly possessions including his clothes, and lived an extremely austere life. He exhibited exemplary control over his senses while enduring the penance during these years. His courage and bravery earned him the name Mahavira. These were the golden years of his spiritual journey at the end of which he achieved arihant status.
Mahavira devoted the rest of his life to preaching the eternal truth of spiritual freedom to people around India. He traveled barefoot and without clothes, enduring harshest of climates, meeting people from all walks of life who came to listen to his message. Mahavira's preaching and efforts to explain Jain philosophy is considered the real catalyst to the spread of this ancient religion throughout India.
At the age of 72 years and 4 and a half months, he attained Nirvana in Pavapuri, Nalanda, Bihar on the last day of the Indian and Jain calendars, Deepavali. Jains celebrate this as the day he attained Moksha. Jains believe Mahavira lived from 599-527 BCE, though some scholars prefer 549-477 BCE.
Vardhaman's birthday is celebrated as Mahavir Jayanti, the most important religious holiday of Jains around the world.

Proof Set:
Coins of Rs 100 and Rs 5


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UNC Set:
Coins of Rs 100 and Rs 5
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