
1992 - National Land Conservation Week - VIP Set and UNC Set

The most mysterious coin in the Republic India coinage. The 1992 National Land Conversation Week.
The details are as below;

Amongst the most mysterious coins of Republic India is the Rs 2 coin issued in 1992 with the National Land Conservation Week theme.
It was supposed to be released by Mr Sharad Pawar, however the coin was never put into general circulation. There were VIP & UNC sets minted that somehow reach the market.

VIP Set:
Coin of Rs 2 in Blue Velvet Box.

Image Credits: Marudhar Arts

UNC Set:
As collectors Pack, 2 Coins of Rs 2.

 Image Credits: Marudhar Arts

The Results of an RTI Application determining true mintage of the coins.
The RTI Clearly shows that 380 sets were struck and given to RBI, but there is hardly any other record of these coins being put into circulation.

Further Investigation by fellow collector Dr Pradeep Jain on this topic with Kolkata Mint has not resulted in substantial reply.

Pradeep Jain This is full text of my rti application, which is still unreplied by Kolkata mint--
Public Information officer
India Government Mint
Kolkata 700053
Sub: Information under Right to Information Act, 2005

Dear Sir,
Please provide the following informations--
One Rs. 2/- Cupfo- Nickel coin on the theme of "Land Vital Resource" was minted by IGM, Kolkata in the year 1993-94 with total minting quantity of 380 pieces, as was replied by the mint vide letter no. IGMK/RTI/13-14/2805 dated 29.05.2013 in reply to my RTI application dated 15.05.2013. With regard to this particular coin, please furnish the following informations--

1. Whether any Government Authority issued any sort of notification/instruction/order to the mint for minting of this coin? If yes, please provide certified copy of such notification/instructions/order.
2. If no such notification/instructions/order was issued, on which ground mint undertook minting of this coin in the quantity of 380 pieces?
3. How many coins out of 380 coins minted, were packed in the sets of 2 coins each?
4. These 380 coins were supplied to RBI on which date and under what bag number?
5. Whether on any later date any Government/semi-Government/quasi-Government or any other NGO/Society/person applied to the mint for reminting of this coin? If yes, who applied for, in which quantity and for what purpose?
6. Whether on application, if any, of such Government/semi-Government/quasi-Government or any other NGO/Society/person the mint undertook reminting of this coin? If yes, for whom, when, in which quantity and on payment of which amount?
7. How many sets of working dies were prepared for the minting of this coin? And out of these sets, how many sets of working dies were actually used in the minting of 380 pieces of this coin?
8. Whether all sets of working dies prepared for the minting of this coin are kept in the safety vault of the mint or some of the sets are missing? If missing, how many sets are missing as on date and what action has been taken for misplacement of such missing die sets, if any?
9. Whether after minting of this coin in 1993-94, the working dies of this coin were taken out of the safety vault of the mint? If yes, please inform all dates on which the working dies were taken out of the safety vault and the dates on which the same were deposited back in safety vault?
10. If the working dies of this coin were taken out of the safety vault, as asked in question no.9, then Inform on order of which official (with name and post held) the dies were taken out of the safety vault and for what purpose?
11. Is it possible to take out the working dies of this coin from safety vault without making requisite entry in the movement register kept and maintained for the movement of items kept in the safety vault?
12. If the working dies used for the minting of this coin in 1993-94 were used for reminting of this coin after its first minting, inform names of employees of the mint alongwith their respective post, who used the dies for reminting of this coin, separately for each time, if any?
13. Whether this coin was also sold by the mint directly without inviting public for its booking? If yes, on which date/dates, at what price and to whom (name with address) and in which quantity?
14. The mint included this coin in the list of commemorative coins minted by IGM, Kolkata in its souvenir published in the year 2002 mentioning it to be an Uncirculated coin minted in 1993. While the mint is reminting several coins/coin sets which were originally minted in a quite larger quantity as compared to this coin and inviting public for booking of such reminted coins/coin sets, why the mint is not reminting this coin in particular? If reminting of this coin is in future programme of the mint, inform within what period reminting of this coin shall be announced and public will be invited for the booking of reminted coins/coin sets of this coin? And if reminting of this coin is not in future programme of the mint, inform reasons for that even after original minting of this coin being just 380 pieces?
15. How many coins/coin sets of this coin were transferred to the museum of the mint?

Postal orders bearing no. 34F613231 & 34F613232 for Rs. 10/- each (total amoRs.20/-) are attached here with towards fee for getting information & certified copy.

Please furnish the required information at the earliest.

Thanking You
Yours faithfully

Dr. Pradeep Jain

Follow up Letter on the RTI

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