
Private Packaged UNC Sets

A e.Book [Fake Coins of Republic India] of all the items is available as PDF in download section.

This article is on Fake Indian Coins and Currencies is Organised into 5 parts.
Part 1 - Fake Commemorative Coins
Part 2 - Fake Definitive Coins
Part 3 - Fake Currencies
Part 4 - Fake Error Coins.

Use the Index or older / newer post to navigate

Should these be called FAKE or Real

With the recent interest in proof & UNC Sets gaining quite a bit of interest from collectors, even the mint has en-cashed upon this and has come out with low value single coins sets. The Rs 5 Proof coins set of Mahatma Basaweshwar followed by Rs 5 UNC Mint cards of Saint Alphanso, the Rs 10 UNC Set and a Mint card of Gur-Ta-Gaddi, Rs 2 UNC and Proof Set of Louise Braille, Rs 5 Tagore proof Set.

The sets itself were priced between Rs 130 to Rs 300 by the mint. Not to loose an opportunity there is a spurt of activity by private players in coming out with similar packages and prices in the similar range or more.

A quick visit on eBay I was surprised to see quite a few Single Coin sets that were not from mint. The packaging is quite similar to the one issued from the mint in terms of quality or concept. The coin is also of good quality, at-least the ones I mistakenly bought.

Often these are mis-sold as Collectors Pack without giving out the right information for people to judge.

From an investment point does it really make sense to buy private sets, only time would tell? There aren’t many countries where such a item has caught on collectors fancy. Plus one should note that there is no rarity factor, these can be minted as and when required and the printing itself is not very difficult. The cost is also very nominal.

A quick survey revealed that around 30 – 40 % people bought this Set with full knowledge for the design and were paying lower end of the price of around Rs 125 to 200. They liked the packaging and a good way to keep the coins. The have almost a complete collection of such sets.

Quite a few did not know and bought it by mistake and have no intention of buying other such sets. Infact some of them have bought these sets for exorbitant prices like Rs 1500 and Rs 2000.

I also came across an interesting story. These sets were all packaged by Kolkata mint and distributed to the dignitaries present during the coin release ceremony. As to why would a Dandi March coin that was only minted by Mumbai Mint be packaged by Kolkata mint? But nothing seems to shift some collector’s belief that what they have got is a steal deal.

Whether one should buy these of stay away is an individual’s choice. Quite often these are being sold at astronomical prices by some dealers without actually informing buyers that these are private packages and not mint issued.

Some of the sets doing the rounds are;

1969 Mahatma Gandhi Birth Centenary Single Coin Set: 
One Rupee Coin
First Seen around late 2012 / early 2013

1989 Nehru Birth Centenary Single Coin Set; One Rupee Coin
The Hyderabad mint issued quite a few Single Coin sets in the year 2012, taking advantage of this, there were new Private Single Coin sets of Nehru and Gandhi issued .... first observed in November 2012

1999 Sant Dnyaneshwar Single Coin Set: One Rupee Coin
First Observed in Mid 2011. Taking the advantage of Dnyaneshwar Proof and UNC sets to be among rare, this set was sold for quite a huge price.

2003 Rs 1 Single Coin Set Maharana Pratap:
First Observed in Mid 2011

2005 Rs 5 Single Coins Set Dandi March UNC Set with Mumbai mint Coin:
First Observed in Mid 2010

2006 Rs 5 Single Coin Mahatma Basaweshwar UNC Set:
First Observed in Aug 2013.
I think this got packaged later as initially the Cu-Ni coin was itself being sold for Rs 200 to Rs 250, after the prices crashed to Rs 10 to Rs 15 in early 2013, they came out with this package to make some more money.

2006 Rs 5 Jagath Guru Narayana Gurudev 
A Normal packaged coin from Mumbai Mint.

2007 Rs 5 Single Coin UNC Set of Bal Gangadhar Tilak
First Observed in Mid 2010

2008 Rs 5 Single Coin UNC Set of Shaheed Bhagat Singh [Hyderabad Mint]
First Observed in Mid 2013
The Bhagat Singh coin although released in 2008 and available in Proof and UNC Set was not put into circulation till 2011. Although Single coin sets were released by Hyderabad mint for a reasonable price and extremely good quality coin, this one still gains currency with an ordinary coin.

2009 Rs 2 Single Coin Set Louise Braille UNC Set with Mumbai mint Coin:
First Observed in Mid 2010

2009 Rs 10 Single Coin Set Homi Bhabha UNC Set with Mumbai mint Coin:
First Observed in Mid 2010

2009 Rs 5 Single Coin Set 60 Years of Commonwealth:
First Observed in Late 2012 / early 2013

2009 Rs 5 Single Coin Set of Perarignar Anna UNC Set with Mumbai mint Coin:
First Observed in Mid 2010


Images Contributed by Ramanathan PS

2010 Rs 5 Single Coin UNC Set of Rabindranath Tagore
First Observed in Mid 2010

2010 Rs 5 Single Coin UNC Set of Rabindranath Tagore with different Design

First Observed in Mid 2010

2010 Rs 5 Single Coin UNC Set of Temple [Noida Mint]
The original was issued by Mumbai Mint during the indiplex 2011.
First Observed in Mid 2010

2010 Rs 5 Single Coin UNC Set of Temple 
First Observed in Late 2010

Images Contributed by Ramanathan PS

2010 Rs 5 Single Coin Set Mother Teresa
First Observed in Mid 2013

2010 Rs 5 Single Coins Set Common Wealth Games UNC Set:
First Observed in Early 2011

Mint Cards - Private Packages:
Recently came across quite a few of the private packages, as usual there was no warning that these are private and not mint issue. The craze seems to suggest that there is lots more demand than mint issues ;)
These come for almost every issue viz, Louis Braille, XIX Common Wealth Games, Shaheed Bhagat Singh, Kuka Movement, Mother Teresa, Temple, Income Tax, ICMR, Dandi March, Civil Aviation, Jagat Guru Narayan Gurudev, Mahatma Beshwarar, Maharana Prapat, Veer Durgadas, Rajeev Gandhi

Acharya Tusli Rs 5 Coin in ATM sized package.



  2. are this coins from Mint or some kind of fraud packing coins?

  3. All the coins listed on this page are 'Private Package' and NOT Mint issue. Technically you can call Fraud only if there is mis-representation of facts ... ofcourse these are mis-sold ... and as such in my opinion do not have any numismatic value.

  4. Thank you very very much sir for reply....but still i'm having one question that what is meaning of privet issue...i mean who has authority to do so?

  5. There is no permission required to put a coin in a package. For Example in India there is a tradition of giving money in multiple of 1 [ie 11, 21, 51, 101] ... so you get envelopes with One Rupee stuck on it ... Similarly anyone can put a coin in a package, there is no law against putting a coin in a package ... the problem is mis-selling these packages as Mint Issue ... I don't know who has minted it ... but even you can put a packaging.

    1. These coins are minted in China by local die makers they see like real but they are blackish and made-up of milel only so if they fall down coin breaks

  6. Thank a ton Sir....but we should aware of this kind of packed coins as these are much costly

  7. Oh man now this is a very open cheating....yet people not understand it....oh man this unreal........

  8. Some remove one of the two coin and sell it separately.

    Some of the 100 rupee coins are sold on AliExpress as replica or copy coins. Some may be buying these copy coins and selling them as original.

  9. i purchase this item on ebay in 2013 , in this packing not mentioned this is issue by rbi or any mint , so why say fake. if any buddy create a packing of coins with details. this is good, salute this brain. in u.s.a. all numismatic shops create packing of coins with here brand name.

    first time any buddy create same new in india so all persons say fraud. why ???
    why all person put coin in coin holder & write details on it .

    i am interested in private packing . this is good for collection.

  10. As long as the coins are real, I feel package by private does not matter.

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