

Blogger has changed links from ".in" to ".com" I will be updating the same, till then change the URL to .com and should work 

To get the latest in Indian Coins and Currencies see New and Info
The Link to various articles, Proof Set, Currencies, Definitive is here.

This section server’s as terms of service of this website.

Telegram: There a broadcast of Coin Release and Booking available on Telegram Channel, @indiacoins []. For those of you who don't know, Telegram is like Whatsapp. The advantage is in Telegram is BroadCast can be large groups. The member telephone numbers are not visible to others members in the group. The App is available on playstore and appstore.

Although efforts have been made to state the data accurately, there could be errors and omissions. The website is not responsible for any loss due to the information present here.

Q) There are errors, how can this be pointed out?
A) You are welcome to bring to the notice errors by putting a comment in the appropriate place. The comments will be periodically reviewed and acted upon.

Q) Can I buy and sell coins here
A) The primary intent of this site is to provide factual information to the coin collectors and as such there is no mechanism to buy and sell coins here. There are some spares that I am selling and these are listed in For Sale Tab.

Q) Where can I buy coins at the price mentioned in the price list
A) The prices mentioned in the price list are indicative and may not reflect the actual price. The actual price would vary based on demand and supply. The prices are to be taken as indicative and solely for the purpose of understanding the tentative price range. The prices quoted on certain website will be quite different due to multiple reasons, value added services [shipping to out of Country, ease of buying etc] and primarily due to noise factor. See other sections to understand how one should build the collection.

Q) There is some information missing. Can I request this to be added?
A) Yes. One is welcome to add specific comment. Depending on the review, if the information fits into the overall theme of the site, it would be added.

Q) The information here is about only Republic India Coins, where can I get information about other coinages?
A) Right now this site is only for Republic India Coins. In future the scope may be expanded to include other coinages and this would be reflected on welcome page.

Q) I have lots of coins and you help to value them?
A) No. This is not the primary intention of the site. Please use the price list to get a tentative price for your collection.