
News And Info - 2014

If news is to be believed, the Govt of India will be printing the Rs 1 note again. Strange.
The Kolkata Mint has started bookings for Maulana Abul Kalam Azad and Begaum Akhtar sets.
It has also taking the Re-Bookings of Rabindranath Tagore. This must be the 4th Re-Booking for the set. The Swami Vivekanand and Mother Teresa are also available.
Its also taking Re-Bookings for the Re-Struck coins of Lal Bhadur Shastri, Dr Syama Prasad Mookerjee, and Sant Tukaram.
The Booking is Open from 1-Dec-2015 till 31-Jan-2015.
For the Booking Adv refer to the Post.
One can book via DD or Online. For online booking use the link or read the post Useful Links. If you are booking for the first time, this post will help you.
14-Nov-2014: The coins on the occasion of 125th Birth Anniversary was released. This is the 3rd issue for Nehru, the previous ones were on the death of Nehru and the Centenary. The denomination are Rs 5 and Rs 125. Its the first time that a coin of Rs 125 denomination has been released. For more details refer to the post here.
5-Nov-2014: In a surprise, the Kolkata Mint sent out a mail saying all the coin sets that I had booked last year in April 2013 is complete. To my luck or ill luck, I am yet to receive the coin set of Syama Prasad. Hopefully its on its way. There is no response from mint on this.
25-Oct-2014: The Rs 5 Coins of Maulana Abdul Kalam Azad are available in circulations, hopefully you will land up with one soon.
8-Oct-2014: Imagine to my surprise when I got a mail from Mumbai Mint that the Coir coin sets have been dispatched along with the Speed Post Tracking Number. Ofcouse I had already got the coins a week earlier. But it now makes it more easy to track whether the shipment was made of missed in transit.
7-Oct-2014: Another release ceremony held and the coins of Begum Akhtar released by Minister of State (Independent Charge) for Culture and Tourism, Shri Shripad Yesso Naik. The denomination is Rs 100 and Rs 5
1-Oct-2014: After a long wait the Govt of India has put out a notification to put into Circulation the Rs 5 coins of Maulana Abdul Kalam Azad. Very soon these should be out.
29-Sept-2014: Commemorative coins were released to mark the 100 years of Komagata Maru incident. A very refreshing change to see such events being commemorated. For more details on the incident read the post here.
27-Sept-2014: The Post man smiled and delivered the 60 Years of Coir Board Coins. Its the usual Speed Post. The packaging is more similar to the Hyderabad Mint Coin Sets with the outer cover having a flip. The design is quite colourful. The strike of the coins is quite great, typically of Mumbai Mint. For images read the post on the Proof and UNC.

Still no sign of the Syama Prasad Re-Strikes
08-Sept-2014: As the new coinage act is being framed merging older coin acts, the moot point of law as to whether Govt can print Rs 1 note was being debated. Though the Rs 1 note has long gone into oblivion. Read here
03-Sep-2014: RBI is putting the note of Rs 10 with Inset M into circulation.
A new Rs 1000 Note is released by RBI. This would have R Inset and 2014 as year of printing on back.
The Series 4 of bookings from Hyderabad mint. Again 6 Single Coin sets are open for bookings. The date is from 12-Aug-2014 to 11-Oct-2014.
The sets available are

Rs 10 @ 360. A Rs 10 increase from the previous price.
60 Years of Coir Board 1953-2013(Rs. 10 Bi Metalic)

Rs 5 @ 312. A Rs 12 increase from the previous price.
60 Years of India Government Mint Kolkata 1952-2012(Rs. 5 NI-BR )
150 Years of Kuka Movement 1857-2007 (RS.5 NI-BR)
150th of Birth Anniversary of Madan Mohan Malaviya 1861-2011(Rs.5 NI-BR)
150th Birth Anniversary of Motilal Nehru 2012(Rs.5 NI-BR)
150th Birth Anniversary of Swami Vivekananda -2013(Rs.5 NI-BR)
10-Aug-2014: With the coin exhibition in progress in Mumbai, Times of India has a article on co-existence of the terms Mumbai / Bombay.
6-Aug-2014: What happens when a great Numismatist turns a Coin dealer. Well to me it definitely is a conflict of interest. In Feb-2011, Rajgor's Gullak edition 18 carried an article where by Pseudo coins of Andaman & Nicobar islands were highlighted. I just went through the listing of Rajgor's Auction 24 and this very set is being sold in the auction.
4-Aug-2014: Caveat Emptor: A first hand info on how even large Auction Houses like Oswal Antiques and Mr Girish Veera, take buyers for a ride.
The bookings for the Coir Borad would be closing in 2 days. In case you haven't booked. eBay is already flooded with the Rs 10 Coir Board Coin from Mumbai Mint.
The commemorative coins released on Coir Board are put into circulation. The denomination is of Rs 10 denomination.
Looks like there is already talks of redoing the coins. More at the article here
Just came across this article in Economic Times. Hyderabad liquor vendors create paper money to beat coin shortage
The first booking for the year by Mumbai Mint. The coins of 60 Years of Coir Board. The bookings are open from 9-June-2014 to 30-July-2014. As usual one can book online or via post.
It a surprise that the Coir Board coin jumped the queue ahead of the Mata Vaishno Devi and Acharya Tulsi coins.
The proof is priced at 3295/- and the UNC at 2769/-
For the booking Adv, please refer to the post on coin Booking.
With the new Government coming into power, the coin community already abuzz with a possible issue of 125 Birth Anniversary of Dr. Keshav Baliram Hedgewar, Founder of RSS. Well no prize for guessing it.
Similar to the 2012, the Kolkata Mint has come up with a definitive Mule for 2013 as well. Refer to the post on mules for more details.
More notes put into circulation with signature of R Rajan.
Rs 10, S Inset, 2014
Rs 50, R Inset, 2014
Rs 100, R Inset 2014
There is an announcement by RBI. Following notes by R Rajan would be put into circulation
Rs 20, No Inset, 2014
Rs 1000, No Inset, 2014
Rs 1000, L Inset, 2014
Got my Tukaram Proof and UNC Sets. The quality of strike I got is quite bad. On the UNC ones, the Obverse has some dots rather than mirror finish ... and there is some indent on number on Rs 10 coin indicating die wear. The Proof strikes are not great as well, the frosting barely visible. And to pay such an amount and wait for such a long time ... well part of the problem with coin collecting.
The Coins of Coir Board were released on 16-April. The denomination is Rs 60 and Rs 5. There is still no news on the JN Tata coins. They should be next and any time now.
There is a Rs 500 Issue of D Subbarao with Inset E and year on the Back as 2014. Yes you have read it right. Being Mis-Sold as rare / withdrawn in the market ... Well normally when there is a change in the Governor new plates are made with the signatures and its a time consuming process. The Rs 500 plates with the new Governor have not yet been made. So the Printing press may have continued using the old plates to meet the demand. This happens every time the Governor Changes. In the past it was not noticeable as there was no Year printed on the back. This time its definitely noticeable that there is a time delay. This was also evident during the rupee symbol adoption. It takes time to get new plates created. As to whether the Printing press in this case should have been more careful ... I guess Yes. Is it a grave error. Nope routine, except this time we can easily catch / identify it. Should you pay through your pockets to get hold of one ... well up to you. As for me, I would rather wait till one come my way via ATM.
RBI has put notification to issue the Rs 10 note with Inset A and year 2014. The second note with year 2014, the first being with No inset.
The RBI has put a notification to issue the Rs 5 Jain Muni Acharya Tulsi coin into general circulation. Going by past few releases, this should reach dealers and general public very soon. Keep a watch on the next coin in your hand.
Mr Sanjay K informs me that the Coir Board coins will be released on 16- April. One more set to collect. Yet there is no news of when the Acharya Tulsi put into circulation.
In what was April Fools surprise, the post man smiled and give me the Motilal Nehru sets. Again Speed Post by Mumbai mint, no surprises. The coins are good. The package that I have suffers from a slight blemish on the UNC set. Nope it won't fetch me a fortune ... will put up images soon.
An interesting way to store coins as Art. Although not recommended for professional collectors its good to store ordinary coins this way. Read the article here
This time is the turn of making a recommendation of using Plastic for minting coins that can result in cost savings. However its yet to be seen if it provides enough security else we will have tons of counterfeit coins. Full story here.
No site of Tukaram and Mookerjee sets, but I guess I am still lucky as there are quite a few who haven't yet received the Vivekananda and 60 Yrs of Kolkata Mint sets.
Got my Shastri set today. This time by speed post. Looks like the tie-up with Blue Dart didn't go long enough. Still no sign of the Tukaram and Mookerjee sets.
My friend received his Shastri sets. As for me, I am still awaiting all my sets. :(
Dispatch of Motilal Nehru sets have begun. Keep a watch on the friendly postman ... I am yet to get my set or the re-strikes from Kolkata mint.
Coins on Birth Centenary of Acharya Tulsi were released on 4-Feb by Finance Minister P Chidambaram at a function held in Bikaner Rajastan. The denomination is Rs 20 and Rs 5. This is same denomination of the Maulana Abdul Kalam Azad released earlier last year. Quite strange. Not sure where the mint is heading to. But yes some more sets to spend money on.

Just came across this news
"Union Minister of Commerce and Industry Sudharsana Nachiappan launched a special commemorative coin to mark the organisation’s millennium commemoration of the great Tamil emperor in the presence of well-known novelist Balakumaran, whose works include Udayar, a magnum opus on the construction of the ‘Big Temple’ at Thanjavur by Raja Raja Chola, R Gandhi, senior advocate and chairman of the organising committee, and Chozha Nachiar Rajasekar, president of the Tamil Chamber of Commerce."
Full Story here

The plastic notes are back in action. Whether the RBI this times really publishes the notes or not only time will tell. But this time around it looks more serious. More here

The Kolkata mint has also started the dispatch of Dr Syama Prasad Mookerjee. So watch out for the post man ... sorry the Blue Dart guy ...

RBI is planning to withdraw the old currency notes and replace them with post 2005 series notes. More details in press release

Fake Rs 5 notes back in news.

The controversy over the Mata Vaishno Devi coins continues now and then when different view for different groups. Last year it was a PIL and also a set of Hindu who were of the view this would hurt religious sentiments, see new of Sept/Oct 13. This time its Muslim clerics who held a view that this coin should not have been released. Full story here

One of my fellow collectors visited the Mumbai Mint counter. Whats surprising is that the re-strikes of 2012 [Dandi March, War of Independence, Kamraj] are still available ... going by the way things are it may be still be around for another year.  The Mint began issuing these from May 2012, and it issues 30 sets a day, so even if on every day the sets were bought, in a year it would be 220*30 around 660 sets. I know for a fact that not everyone is buying these sets every day. So all of sudden the demand has got killed and the prices come down.  The Homi Bhabha & 60 Years of Commonwealth are going cheaper outside with dealers than at the mint counters. The Madan Mohan & Kuka with around Rs 300 premium from the issue price. But the ICMR is at a discount of Rs 300 :) ... strange are the ways of mint.

Image Credits: Raj

In what appears too good to be true, the Re-Strikes of Tukaram do not have any identification whether these are re-strikes or Original. Recollect the older re-strikes by Kolkata Mint has R-2010 embossed on the package and the Mumbai mint had on last page imprinted "Coins reminted and issued by Indian Govt Mint Mumbai 2012. Was my friend just plain lucky or all the sets are similar we will get to know once we see more sets. If this is true, it sure is to crash the prices of the Tukaram & Shyama Prasad sets by tons of amount.

The Re-Strike UNC set as anticipated is a 4 coin set, while the original one was a 3 coin set. Enjoy on the confusion.

The new year brings smiles to the collectors with the re-strike coins sets of Tukaram begins. Others sets will soon follow. And if its like other sets, instead of the friendly post man watch the bluedart guys knock you doors.

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