
10 Rupees Commemorative Coin - Part 1 - Silver Coins

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This Post is Organized in 2 parts.
Part 1: Silver Coins

Part 2: Bi-Metallic Coins

The first Rs 10 commemorative coin for general circulation was in the year 1969 on the occasion of Birth Centenary of Mahatma Gandhi, after this there were 2 more issues in Silver in general circulation. The 1969 Silver achieves the distinction of being the first coin in silver post independence. These are the only 3 Silver coins in the Republic India coinage that were in general circulation. Post the Silver coins were only in Proof Sets and UNC Sets. In the year 2005 the denomination was issued as definitive coins in Bi-Metallic. Subsequently the coins were also issued in commemorative.
The Coins of 1969 and 1970 were made of 80% Silver, from 1972 the metal was changed to Quaternary alloy with 50% Silver.

1969 Mahatma Gandhi Centenary
The 10 Rupees, 1969 Mahatma Gandhi Centenary, showing the bust of Mahatma Gandhi.  The mint details and Description are;

Although the Bombay [Mumbai] Mint had earlier released a commemorative in 1964 on Jawharlal Nehru, this was the first time a coin in Silver was struck after Independence. Its also for the first time the Mint used a different mint mark than “Diamond” that it uses for circulation strikes. It used “B” to indicate proof strike. Later when the name changed to Mumbai, it changed the proof mint mark to “M”.
Amongst the few coins in Indian coinage where the mint mark is on Obverse rather than Reverse.

Mints: Mumbai, Kolkata
Bust of Mahatma Gandhi
Dated 1969 – 1948
Legend Mahatma Gandhi in English and Hindi

1970 Food For All
The 10 Rupees, 1970 Food For All, depicts Sun Above, Lotus below and wheat ears on either sides. This was issued on the 25th anniversary of the Food & Agriculture organization of United Nations. The mint details and Description are;

This is amongst the rare coins of Rs 10 Denomination, the Kolkata Mint coin is most rare amongst all the 6 silver coins.

Mints: Mumbai, Kolkata
Sun Above, Lotus flower below, Wheat ears on either side
Date 1970 Below Lotus. Mint mark below date.
Legend Food for All

Die Variety:
The Mumbai Mint coin in Proof and UNC set had a slightly different die. There were wavers in the Year as well. In the Circulation Strikes these waves are not present in the Year. The same is also applicable to the 20 paise coin struck.

1972 Independence Jubilee
The 10 Rupees, 1972 Independence Jubilee, depicts a Person holding a Flag. This was the 3rd and last of the Silver Coins issued for general circulation. Post this the Rs 10 denomination was only available in Proof and UNC Set. The mint details and Description are;

Among the few coin that has the legend only in Hindi.

Mint: Bombay, Calcutta
Person Holding a Flag
Date 1947 – 1972 on left side
Legend 25th Independence Anniversary in Hindi


  1. I bought 10 Rupees, 1970 Food For All coin & when I got it checked from a jeweller he said the coin has 40% silver content however the weight of coin is approx 15 gms.Is it possible? please let me know the silver content of 10 rs 1970 FAO coin, thanks.

  2. 1. The 1970 Rs 10 is 80% Silver. From 1972 the Silver content was reduced to 50%.

    2. The weight is right.

    3. There are known fakes of this coin in the market. Can you compare your coin with the one shown in image. Pay attention to the Lotus petal's & Rays of Sun. Also on the Obverse check the letters. This will let you know if its a fake. Alternatively if you have purchased in ebay or some online place, send me the URL and I can take a look.

  3. Apologies. If I scared you mentioning the coin can be fake. It can still be genuine coin, and the Jweller may not have techniques that determine the right silver content. You can also have the coin checked by a reputed coin dealer in your city.

  4. As no year mentioned on coin how to know it is silver or Quantanary alloy.
    I recently bought all above 10 Rs coins from Mumbai dealer now after reading your article i am confuse are they real?
    Or unc or proof?
    Can sending u images Will clear confusion?

  5. There is year mentioned on all the coins, plus you don'nt need to know the year, the Gandhi and Food for All coin are 80% silver the Independence Jubilee is Quaternary Alloy lie 50% Silver ...
    If they are proof, they would be more expensive ... there would be a "B" mint mark on the coin instead of diamond [below the numeral 10] .. you can mail good resolution images at and I can take a look ...

  6. I have 1972 10 rs coin but how to know that from which mint it is

  7. On the Obverse below of value 10, if you see a small diamond, it is Bombay Mint Mark UNC coin. If it is "B" its a proof coin. If there is nothing, its a Calcutta / Kolkata mint coin. See the article on Mint Marks on coins

  8. i brought a 10 rupees food for all coin but in writins it says foor for all is it a fake coin can any one suggest me

  9. There is a Food for All Silver coin that is Genuine as shown in the image in this post. There are quite a few known fakes of this coin that are in lead / zinc metal. Read the post on Fake Coins to see the known fakes of this.

  10. the above letter and reply of the letter we know more things . thank u arumugam chennai

  11. what would be the value of the coin set having 10rs and 50 paise both coins? It comes with a info card and inside a cover.

    1. Which set? 1972? Refer to excel in download section.

  12. I have purchased 1970 food for all sun lotus coin from a friend for Rs. 900. Is it genuine, can u please guide me. will send you the detials . Please mail me your email id sir / madam.
    Somesh -

  13. I have a 1970 Food for All coin from Mumbai mint. But I am not sure if it is genuine. Can you please suggest me where I can get the coin validated in Bangalore?

  14. مسلسل الهيبة الرد
    مسلسل الهيبة الرد هو مسلسل سوري يعرض على منصة شاهد نت ، وقناة رؤيا ، في مسلسل الهيبة الرد "أي الجزء الرابع من المسلسل" ، وبعد أحداث الجزء الماضي (الهيبة الحصاد) ، يرجع مسلسل الهيبة بجزء جديد يسمى مسلسل الهيبة الرد ، يعود جبل إلى حياته الطبيعية بعد محاولة اغتياله، وبعد أن فقد زوجته وابنه، محاولًا الكشف عن المجرمين ، وتشتعل الأحداث عندما يعرف بعض الأشياء لا يُحمد عقباها.

    مسلسل الهيبة الرد من ﺇﺧﺮاﺝ سامر البرقاوي (مخرج) ، ومن تأليف الكاتب فؤاد حميرة (إشراف درامي) .

  15. I have a 10 rupees lotus sun 1070 silver is ok but on reverse side there is no star mark above Asoka Stamba..I m confused plz help

  16. Sorry 1970 10 rupees lotus sun coin

  17. I have a 10 rupees commemorative coin Sun Lotus but on the reverse side above the lion's head there is no star mark as seen others alike coins in Snapdeal..I m confused plz help
