
Definitive Coins - Five Rupees - Part 2

This is part of the Definitive post on Rs 5 coins. The First part talked about Cupro Nickel coins. This post talks about other coins.

5 Rupee – Stainless Steel – Unity in Diversity
Amongst the most controversial coins of the times, the Unity in Diversity theme was adopted for the Definitive coins. The Rs 5 was struck with only one date of 2007 from Kolkata mint, the most common denomination in this series is the Rs 2 coin.

This is only design in the republic coinage that has the value written in words in both English; i.e. “Five in English” and “Panch in Hindi” on the Reverse. The only other design where value is spelt out in Hindi are the 1964 designs after dropping of the word “Naya”.
For more details on the design and controversy; Read the article here and here.

5 Rupee – Stainless Steel – IT & Connectivity
The Design gave way to a new IT & Connectivity design. The metal was still steel, with edges still security edges. There were stories that these coin were used to make blades in neighbouring country and hence the metal quickly gave way to Nickel Brass. The coins were minted from 2007 to 2008.


5 Rupee – Nickel Brass
Not withstanding the new designs for definitive’s, In 2009 the old Cupro-Nickel design was again adopted. The only change was metal of the Rs 5 coins was was now Nickel Brass. There coins were struck only for 2 years before the design was change and the Rupee symbol adopted. The Usage of 2 Types of Lions from the older Cupro-Nickel continued. The Mumbai Mint used the Thin Lion and the other mints used the Big Lion. A classic case of one step forward and 2 back.

A strange story of the Hyderabad Mint of 2009.
  • The first strikes looks with a different Reverse. Although the Lion is of Kolkata Mint type, the lettering of “India” is very thick. Not sure if this was as a result of more pressure during hubbing.
  • It then looks like it got the right pair of dies from Kolkata Mint.
  • Further it looks the Obverse die used got worn out and Kolkata mint also ran out of stock. Hence Mumbai Mint provided the dies for the remaining strikes.

A new Obverse die was introduced in 2010. Although the key elements of design were same,
  • The size of the complete design was scaled down by about 2-3 mm.
  • Smaller and thicker numeral 5.
  •  The Rupaya in Hindi is quite below from the edge.
  • The font used for Year 2010 is different. Notice the “1”, etc.
 As this design was introduced in 2010, from Mumbai mint we have both the Die Varieties for 2010. All other mints use only the new Obverse.


5 Rupee – New Floral Design
The current design except for adoption of the Rupee symbol, the key design is pretty much the same as the older Cupro-Nickel coins, surprisingly the Mumbai Mint gave up on its small / thin lion and adopted the Lion that were being used by other mints.

As with other coins, we also have plain edges here. So far I have seen a plain edge from Kolkata Mint for the year 2013. However its to early to say, there are bound to be plain edges for other years and mints as well, they are just waiting to be discovered by numismatist.

Plain Edge for New Rupee Symbol


  1. I have got a stainless steal wave coin year 2009 with no mint mark and plane edge. I have got this coin under normal circulation. The rim edge of the coin is seems to be either fadded or not there. Other thing like lion variety and wave pattern was perfectly matching with 2008 kolkata mint coin. Is there any possibility of this to be present?

  2. Can you mail me good quality images at ... there is no such coin reported to my knowledge. After seeing images I can try and confirm. There are know fakes with dates 2007 / 2008.

  3. Please check your mail, I have sent the images.

  4. sir the cross coins of re.1 2004 and 2006 issues, the rs. 10 2005 issue and the rs. 5 are never seen in circulation.I asked many people but none of them have seen these.what may be the reason?

    1. The mintage was extremely low. The Rs 1 cross 2004,5,6 were distributed in Gujarat, quite a few collectors reported finding it. The Rs 10 cross coins in my view ... no one(I.E banks, business) wanted Rs 10 coins ... RBI was forcing the denomination when introduced in 2008/9. Quite a few dealers are registered with RBI as business and cornered the coins.

  5. what is the difference between km # 399.1 and km # 399.3.? could not find anywhere.

    1. Where did you get theSe, SCWC doesn't have it.

  6. Did they mint Rs 5 coins in 2005. I am unable to find the coin in circulation. I have seen commemorative coins of Gandhi Dandi march but no regular coins
