
Definitive Coins - Ten Rupees - Unity In Diversity

Link to All Artices is here.
Link to All Definitives is here.

This post is a three part series on the Rs 10 definitive coins.

Part 1: Unity in Diversity
Part 2: Connectivity and IT
Part 3: New Rupee Symbol

As part of Unity In Diversity a new set of coins was released in 2004 / 2005. A Single Coin UNC Set was also planned to be released, but was not. This was the first time that a Rs 10 denomination coin was introduced in circulation as definitive. The first Rs 10 coins for general circulation were commemorative coins in silver in 1969 – Gandhi, 1970 – Food for All and 1972 – Independence Jubilee.


2006  N
2007  N

Although the coins were struck from 2004, they were actually put into circulation in the year 2009. Taking advantage of this, quite a few dealers sold these are rare at handsome price.
This is only design in the republic coinage that has the value written in words in both English; ie “Ten in English” and “Dus in Hindi” on the Reverse. The only other design where value is spelt out in Hindi are the 1964 designs after dropping of the word “Naya”.
For more details on the design and controversy; Read the article here and here.

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