
1991 - Tourism Year - UNC Set

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This article gives out the details of the UNC Set. For Proof Set refer to the previous article.

As part of Tourism Year celebrations in the year 1991, apart from VIP Set and 3 Proof Set, there were 3 UNC Sets released.
The details are;

With an aim of boosting tourism in India, the year “1991” was designated as “TOURISM YEAR” – a year to be devoted for the development of tourism in the country. To commemorate this, a 1 rupee coin was issued on 25.12.1991 for general circulation. The other coins issued in this theme, in the denomination of 2 rupees and 5 rupees, were only issued as proof and uncirculated specimens

Proof Sets:
Refer the previous article

UNC Sets:
Coins of Rs 5, Rs 2 and Rs 1

In past the Mint allowed the booking of the coins to be submitted over the counter at the mint. Once the booking was confirmed, during dispatch / delivery could also be obtained in person from the mint on producing the booking receipt. This practice was stopped in 2000's as it became difficult to manage and was restricted to only post deliveries.
It is interesting to note that the bill book used still had the denominations of Fisheries set released in 1987. The denominations then were a 2-coin set of Rs 100 and Rs 20 and Single Coin of Rs 100 and Rs 200. There is overwriting visible to make the 2-coin as 3 coin set and the Rs 100 as 2 Coin Set and Rs 20 as Rs 5 Single Coin set to enable booking of the Tourism set.

The Coins

UNC Set2:
Coins of Rs 5 and Rs 2

UNC Set3:
Single Coin of Rs 5

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