Journey Through Indian Definitive Coinage - Part 2

This Post is Organized as a 4 Part Series. Please click Previous for the Previous Part

Journey through Indian Definitive -
     Major Design wise Part 1
     Major Design wise Part 2

     Denomination Wise Part 3
     Denomination Wise Part 4

1990’s Stainless Steel Series – VI
The inflation made the coins in lower denomination redundant. The rising cost of metal also meant that most of the Aluminum coins were melted for the metal. Thus over a period of time most of the lower denomination coins were discontinued.
Viz The Three Paise was discontinued in 1971, The One Paise in 1972, the Two Paise in 1979. The 5 paise was stopped in 1994. The 20 paise also was discontinued in the year 1994. Although the minting of these coins was stopped the de-monetization these coins was only done on 30-June-2011 along with 25 paise.
 A new series was introduced that was predominantly stainless steel. The introduction was steel began with 10 paise, 25 paise and 50 paise in 1988, the 10 paise coin size was so small that one could hardly hold them in hand. The One Rupee in Steel followed in 1992. New higher denominations got introduced, the Rs 2 was introduced in 1982 as circulation commemorative was minted in same design in 1990 and then the size reduced by 1992. The Rs 5 was introduced as a regular denomination from 1992 that was of similar size to 50 Paise, but of larger thickness. This did cause some confusion amongst people.

2004 Unity In Diversity Series – VII
For the first time in Indian Coinage History, the design of the definitive coins was given outside mint to NID [National Institute of Design] in Ahmadabad. There were 3 designs that were proposed. Related post ‘ATake of 3 Designs’
·         Unity in Diversity
·         Nritya Mudra
·         IT and Connectivity
The Unity and Diversity was selected, and this was adopted over a period for Rs 1 in 2004 followed by Rs 2 in 2005 and Rs 5 in 2006. A coin of Rs 10 denomination was also introduced. It was minted from 2005 however put into circulation only in the later part of 2009. Although a 50 paise coin was designed, it was never minted.
There was a huge controversy related to the design of these coins. Read here for more details

2008 Natya Mudra , IT & Connectivity Series – VIII
Not withstanding the controversy over the design of the Unity and Diversity series, the Natya Mudra design was adopted for coins of 50 paise, Rs 1, Rs 2 and the IT & Connectivity for Rs 5 and Rs 10.
The Natya Mudra Series had various Hand Gestures [Hasta Mudra] from the Classical Dance form ‘Bharat Natyam’ on the Reverse of the coins.
The IT & Connectivity had 2 themes, one that was a wave like pattern that depicted the fluid movement of the data and information and the other had radiating lines outside that indicated growth and connectivity.

2011 New Floral Design with Rupee Symbol Series – IX
The adoption of the Rupee Symbol for the Indian currency led to redesign of all coins [currencies as well]. As part of this effort, the size of coins was also reduced to make it more cost effective. The metal of Rs 5 coin was changed from Steel to Nickel Brass.


  1. I just want to know whether the coins mentioned in the link
    i.e. 2 annas peacock 1949 & 1 anna 1949 bull coin is real or fake

  2. They are real coins and are classified as Pattern Coins that were never struck for general circulation. Read the related article here for more info

  3. May please update the currency released list of 2013. Also where can i find the list relased for the previous yeras i.e 2011,10,09 etc.....

  4. For currencies, click the currencies tab here and all the lists are present. A quick view of recent releases is at which is updated periodically

  5. The evolution and significance of definitive coinage throughout India's history are fascinating.
